Gracious Nomad Academy
Functional Mastermind Group Enterprise
Pilot Study #001 Life Wheels
As promised a few weeks ago in a post on Nextdoor, I am reporting back with progress on creating a remedy for seniors to access the financing needed to sustain their ability to drive and remain independent.
Follows is the business model for what is the first of its kind - a Functional Mastermind Group Enterprise to launch with a pilot study which I now call Life Wheels.
Links to the project description and the prototype are available to download from my Patreon site,
Gracious Nomad Academy Functional Mastermind Group Enterprise Pilot Study #001 LIFE WHEELS
Stepping into more Sustainable Self-Reliance – individually and as a community – while we Restore the Velocity of Money to our local economy by opening new markets for used car development while bringing a viable remedy to the under-served who would be customers for this tier of used car purchases were it not for the fact that there is no affordable financing to be had for this tier of fixed-income purchaser.
>>> Bring the glut of older model, well-maintained minivans available on Craigslist for between $3,000 and $8,000 to the under-served market of old people and poor people and disabled people, having them each become live aboard accommodations outfitted to be suitable and sustainable shelter for those Gracious Nomad Academy members who qualify for this benefit of membership with terms for refunding that investment set to be within the member’s means.
>>> Engage with a network of local providers in the used vehicle sale, repair, restoration and sustainable build industry; invite these prospective providers to participate in this social experiment by (a) subscribing to Limbic Arc Wellness Technology through our Mastermind Group Enterprise configuration, (b) bringing their specialties to work in collaboration with other specialty providers in our sustainable mobile shelter enterprise, and participate in bringing these serviceable vehicles to the market that needs them the most.
>>> Partner with a local community credit union to (a) provide a cover loan on a per project basis to facilitate each of the transactions flowing through our process, with the loan to be repaid by the Gracious Nomad Academy out of the proceeds from our Limbic Arc compensation; (b) provide checking account and banking services for our Gracious Nomad Academy members that will allow them to pay their Limbic Arc subscription fees, as well as other commitments they may have, and into which they can receive their Limbic Arc compensation.
This is a much needed remedy for our senior community. Every day we encounter new emergencies that destabilize our very fragile existence.
Without access to the money and resources required to meet the needs as they arise, we lose ground and are forced to the street.
A few weeks ago I had a medical emergency, needed to have a tooth pulled that had collapsed and become infected. My dentist, Dr. Vanila at Guru Dentistry in Irvine - highly recommended, gave a steep discount to perform the emergency procedure. Still, it was $400 that had to be paid no matter what it cost in bounced check charges on the end. That's a quarter of my $1,675 social security payment.
I need a credit union to help manage when life happens.
A woman named Laurette, age 66, had to leave the home she had shared with her father until he passed away earlier in the year. She moved into her old car less than a month ago, and then it failed, needed a new starter, so she is stranded with no money and no resources to navigate through this.
To compound her dilemma, her bank account is a mystery, she has no access to her funds, no idea how much she has available to spend in her account, no idea what's come in to ding her account, and no way manage her life because of it.
She needs a credit union with access to emergency cash and Personal Advocacy to help her navigate through when life happens.
In this functional Mastermind Group Enterprise we are creating our own system to sustain us in our lives.
This is the beginning introduction of that endeavor.